The Story of Hiponias, His Wife, 3 Sons and 4 Daughters – How the Deceitful Priests Ruined Them?

The Story of Hiponias, His Wife, 

3 Sons and 4 Daughters – 

 How the 

Deceitful Priests Ruined Them?

Ruining a family, destroying character through the priests’ use of naive wives:

2Ti 3:1

[niv]But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

[kjv]This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2Ti 3:2

[niv]People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

[kjv]For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

2Ti 3:3

[niv]without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

[kjv]Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

2Ti 3:4

[niv]treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--

[kjv]Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

2Ti 3:5

[niv]having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

[kjv]Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2Ti 3:6

[niv]They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,

[kjv]For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

2Ti 3:7

[niv]always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

[kjv]Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Source: The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John, volume 20

83. A trial session in the inn


hile we were talking with one another with word and advice for 1 hour, an unusual big noise came from the square before the house of our innkeeper, and within a few moments many people had gathered there. This attracted a few of My disciples to the windows of the hall.

[2] But I called them back and said: “Why so curious? We will hear soon enough what is going on anyway. It is certainly nothing positive, and that which is evil we will come to know soon enough, even if we will hear it somewhat later.”

[3] Then the curious disciples came back to the table again.

[4] And it did not take long before several businessmen with very furious faces came into the guest room to accuse 3 infamous thieves who were firmly bound with ropes and who stole money and also other things from the businessmen in the crowd. This because the innkeeper was a kind of mayor and market judge in this city and he had to hear the thieves and then hand them over to the main court of justice that had to impose a punishment on them.

[5] But this was unpleasant for the innkeeper because of My presence. But what could he do? He had to hear the businessmen and still other witnesses, and he had to take the 3, who were everywhere very well known as thieves, into custody.

[6] When the businessmen received their stolen goods back, they quickly returned to their market stalls.

[7] But I said to the innkeeper: “Friend, now that apart from us, there is no one here, you can bring the 3 thieves from the closed room to here, then I will talk to them.”

[8] The innkeeper did that, and his helpers brought the 3 thieves to us.

[9] When they stood before Me, I spoke to them as follows: “You are Jews from the region near Bethlehem. Did you not learn about the law of God, which says that one shall not steal? Who gave you the right to act contrary to God’s laws? Speak honestly and openly if you do not want to receive a still heavier punishment than the one that you can already expect as a result of your crime.”

[10] At these words, one of the 3 thieves said: “Lord, be forgiving and merciful to us, then I will tell You from the beginning how everything happened. Look, we are 3 brothers, and our parents possessed indeed near the city of David a house and a piece of land. They were, with us and our 4 sisters - who surely were the most beautiful girls of the whole region - very good and pious people and also very prosperous.

[11] However, the father died a few years before the mother, who always had a high admiration for the priests, especially those in Jerusalem. Whatever these said with a pious face, she took it for God’s word.

[12] But those pious servants of God really misused the blind credulousness of the mother. They described Heaven to her as extremely beautiful in the nicest of colors. Hell (Sheol) on the other hand so full of agony and torture as man can only imagine in his most evil fantasies. In order that our mother could be completely sure of Heaven already in this world, the extremely pious priests advised her to sell everything and to offer the money to the temple. She also had to give our 4 sisters to the temple so that their virginal purity and chastity would be preserved. For if one of her daughters would give herself to a man before marriage, then that sin would condemn the soul of the mother forever into the deepest abyss of Hell. However, if our mother would do what he as priest, who was dealing with God from day to day and knew His will, would advise her to do, then after the falling off of her body she would not only come directly into the heavenly paradise, but she also would be taken care of by the temple in the holy home for widows for an even greater sanctification of her soul, where on Sabbath days and holy days the most pious widows are served by God’s angels and where no devil could ever approach a soul to seduce her.

[13] That was for our mother as if Jehovah had announced it to her with lightning and thunder from Mount Sinai.

[14] We, the 3 sons, who already perceived the cunning intentions of the temple servants, advised our mother against doing it, but that was of no use and within a short time she sold everything, and we also had to help her to carry the heavy money to the temple.

[15] Then we asked the chief in the temple very sadly what we actually had to do now, since we were reduced to beggary. ‘Who had to care for us and where will we find a job and bread?’

[16] Then the chief gave us 3 silver coins and to each one of us a package with a few relics, and said: ‘Of these 3 silver coins you can live for 7 days, and God’s power, which is miraculously present in the 3 holy packages will for your happiness help you succeed everything that you will undertake. If you possess these packages, you also can steal and rob, however not kill, except in case of need, a rich heathen or also a Samaritan. It will not be accounted to you as sin by God because by the pious deed of your mother that was extremely pleasing to God, you are justified and sanctified as angels before Him.’ Then he passed a staff over us and said that we had to go.”

84. The life’s story of the robbers

In the beginning we were very sad, and while we were crying we went back to our region to find accommodation. We also found a job, but that was so terrible - nothing could be more terrible. There was absolutely no question of salary whatsoever. In return for food that was even too bad for pigs, we had to work hard, almost day and night, and despite all our zeal we only got scolded and were criticized, and if we looked for another job that might be better, then instead of a better one, it was even worse.

[2] So we suffered for 5 long years, more than any pagan slave, and since they gave us nowhere a salary in the form of money and because we also saw how shamelessly we were robbed of all our goods by the temple servants under the pretext of ‘to the honor of Jehovah’, and because we also came to see more and more clearly that the temple in Jerusalem is not a house of God but really a robber’s den and a murderous pit, we therefore lost all our faith in a God, and we considered the whole teaching of Moses and the prophets only as a work of humans by which the more clever and lazy people had constructed a solid stronghold for themselves by means of the hands of the poor and credulous blind people, in order to enslave the people, to let them work for them and thereby to fatten themselves in a life full of pleasure.

[3] Whether we have dared to steal during the formerly mentioned 5 miserable years? No, because our belief in an all-seeing God prevented us. But after that period of time we started to ask ourselves more and more seriously if ever a God existed, and more and more from all our experiences we loudly heard the answer: no, nothing exists - everything is illusion and lie, invented by lazy and imaginative people for their earthly well being. Only we, who became poor people without our fault, must keep the laws and believe in a God. The rich and work-shy people do not have to do that because they know that not even the smallest word is true concerning Moses and all the prophets. For if that would be the case, they had to believe it themselves and observe the laws, which are very good as such for the society on Earth, but nevertheless, these have no moral spiritual value in itself, for if they would have that, then certainly especially the priests would strictly live according to those laws as an example for the blind laymen.

[4] In short, through such profound reflections regarding our misery, and as a result of the fact that all our many prayers, which we sent up to the stars among many tears were always totally unanswered, and even more so when we heard that our mother died remarkably fast and very miserably after she entered that home, and that our beautiful sisters were dishonored almost to death by the Pharisees, all our faith ended completely, and we decided to take revenge on evil mankind, and not to behave like credulous, blind fools to satisfy them.

[5] We started to violate the riches of the wealthy and by our cunningness we always succeeded to escape unharmed. That gave us at least some confidence in our little packages, and for a few years our activities went quite well. However, this time we were not careful enough and we were caught, but we really do not care about that because we are already used to all kinds of misery and we already have had enough of life, and each one of us is wishing death. But before we possibly will be bound to the cross, the most horrible curse has to be spoken out loudly over the whole Earth, over all men and other creatures, over the sun, the moon and the stars and over the power of nature that called us to such a miserable life. We will show the people how things are with their only true God, His laws and His priests, and what and how much they are worth.

[6] Although until now we have not committed any murder, this because we miserable ones granted everyone their miserable life and did not want to free anyone from his great misery. But whoever wanted to resist us in the streets, was dearly beaten up, because every drop of merciful blood of our heart has left us already a long time ago. Truly, if ever we could destroy all men on the whole Earth in one blow, then it would mean a very big relief for us, and then one or the other hard and deaf God will have to assemble again for His tyrannical pleasure other miserable human creatures from the pools and swamps.

[7] Now You know everything, severe Lord and judge, and You can judge us, miserable ones, as You please, but remember well beforehand who and what is to be blamed for our misery. We have spoken faithfully, truthfully and openly as You have asked.”

85. The anger and good intentions
of the innkeeper


fter one of the thieves had said this to Me, the innkeeper as well as Kado and the old Apollon, slapped their hands 3 times above their head and he said: “No, Lord and Master, hearing this about the Pharisees of Jerusalem greatly fills my whole mind with anger and fury, and I really do not understand how a God, whom You taught us in the most truthful and active way, can look at such abominations for so many years with an inconceivable patience and how He can permit such crimes. Compared to those priests, these street thieves and robbers are true angels.

[2] Truly, if this is the reason why these 3 men are in such miserable condition, as this person has witnessed, then firstly, those miserable temple servants, who are acting worse than pagan furies, deserve to be destroyed in one blow, and secondly these 3 men deserve no punishment but a reward, because the fact that they are in this kind of condition as they are now standing before us, can certainly be blamed to no one else except to those condemnable priests who let themselves be honored and worshipped everywhere as servants of the one, only true God, but as human beings they largely exceed sky high all the wild beasts and animals of prey in the forests and deserts.

[3] Lord and Master, it surely would be time now to release a destroying judgment over this truly hellish breed, because these most evil of the evil ones must have committed so many abominations to their fellowmen that no human being can speak out its number. But I really care about these 3 gentile men, and I will not impose a punishment on them but will release them, and they must and will have a good accommodation in my house for the rest of their life and be always at my side as faithful witnesses when those devils in the temple in Jerusalem will have to be resisted in the most powerful way. Just let one of those Jewish priests come to me now again - as happens many times - with a complaint about someone from whom he still has to collect one tenth. Then I surely will tell him what it is all about and what kind of justice he can expect from me. And once I will have left this temporary life, then my dear son Kado will know how to continue in the same spirit.”

[4] Then he kindly turned to the 3 thieves and said: “Are you satisfied with my judgment, and do you want to accept my offer?”

[5] The one who already spoke before, said: “Well, thus among the gentiles there are still real men, who cannot be found anymore among the Jews who insolently call themselves the chosen people of Jehovah and children of God, but by that they are in reality the children of all devils. With great pleasure and a very thankful heart we accept your offer and want to serve you more loyally than the one you have considered as your most loyal servant. From now on we want to do good because it is good, and chose the truth because of the truth as a guideline for our further life. It will not be Hell - which is according to the Jews a punishment for the sins of the souls on the other side - that will keep us from doing evil, and it will not be Heaven as eternal reward for the souls for their good deeds, that will urge us to do that which is good and true, but what is good and true in itself will be our most truthful Heaven, and we will zealously strive with all our strength to make that Heaven our own.

[6] However, now we ask you to free us from our fetters, because we really did not deserve to carry them. Truly good people will also perceive that, and a righteous judge should rather chastise pitilessly those who by their merciless way of acting have made criminals of people, and not so much the criminals who - because of need, despair and anger through the limitless and shameless evilness of men - were only forced to actions that are, it is true, evil in itself, but that certainly should be excused to people like us.

[7] O how many are languishing in the dungeons who, counted from their childhood, were certainly not guilty in the least that they became criminals, because they became criminals, either because of a wrong education or in the same manner as we did.

[8] If an extremely good, wise and righteous God would exist, then He also had to realize that. And with His almightiness He should chastise those people who are the main cause that people become more and more evil and who will continue to be the cause for a long time until the possible end of the world and its evil time. But the great and mighty devils in the form of human beings are even for their greatest abominable deeds almost never visibly punished by God as a frightening example for others who are just like them, but they live a completely free and always highly honored and wealthy life and can moreover still commit unpunished one abominable deed after another. If this is the case, then we truly cannot be blamed if we claim that there never existed or can exist a true God as the Scriptures of Moses and the other prophets describe Him to us, and that one or the other earthly power, which we men do not know, has through the influence of the sun, the moon, the planets, the other stars and the 4 elements, produced us pitiful people and also all other beings and things without its will, and this is more or less how we came into existence by the powers of the raw nature that certainly are as little aware of themselves as man is aware of how his body grows, how all kinds of hairs are produced on his skin and the vermin that annoys him. For this reason, a fool is he who somehow takes pleasure in his so miserably arranged and always-perishable life and who is moreover grateful in full humility and deepest dedication for that kind of life to a God who exists nowhere.

[9] Yes, a good person should seek God - and if he has found Him and has come to know from Him why he was put on this miserable world, and if in full truth there really exists for the soul as such a continuance of life on the other side, then he also should thank Him with all the love of his heart for such a life and existence, which carries great destinies in itself that can be proven. But where can such seeker be found on Earth who has truly succeeded in finding that God somewhere?

[10] And if men have ever found Him somewhere, as we repeatedly can read in the Scriptures, then why does He not let Himself be found by us people of this time? Are we perhaps less human than the men that were named in the Scriptures? Certainly, all men, since their birth, were similarly extremely innocent beings. Who else can be blamed most that the present day people became such pitiful beings except exactly that God who let Himself be found and be known by the men from ancient times, but us, their descendants, are no more heard or seen by Him? And we, weak men, are handed over to the complete arbitrariness of the heartless mighty tyrants, and thereby to all misery.”

86. The religion of the 3 robbers


es, we poor seeking men are forced to a blind belief by various powers with fire, sword and with the cross, but the tyrants can do unpunished whatever they want because they stand above the law. But I am asking pure human intellect if this would also be right in case of the existence of a truly extremely good, wise, all-knowing and almighty God, for whom all men should be equal, since they are His work and not their own work. If they are now more degenerated than before, can they be blamed? Or can anyone be blamed if he is put out of the body of his mother into this world blind and deaf, and must then live a miserable life?

[2] Oh, oh, friends, for a thinker there are certainly 1.000 times more reasons to doubt the existence of a God than to believe in it. But with this we still do not want to claim definitely and with full conviction that every belief in a God is an empty deceit that was invented by the fantasy of men, which they have presented to the credulous, intellectually blind people as the full truth by all kinds of magic in order to make them more easier servile to themselves.

[3] Once the great majority of people was convinced, it was useless for the few more clearly thinking men to resist against that massive national deceit that was set up, but in order not to be tortured in the most cruel manner as a transgressor of the once determined truth, everyone had to dance and jump according to the tune that was continuously sung to them with a terrible threatening face and threatening voice by the so-called religious teachers. And if someone had the nerve to ask further questions to such a religious teacher about the Being of God, then he certainly would receive an answer that would awake the dead, as is nowadays doubtlessly the case with all priestly castes, with the gentiles as well as with the Jews.

[4] And if someone would secretly search and seek on his own for the existence of a God, then he would found the same as we did, only the mute same working forces of the great nature, and then he would give up, being convinced that all his trouble was useless.

[5] Since until now, also we had the honor to experience this ourselves, we also cannot be blamed on this point by an intelligent human being when under these circumstances we cannot believe in a God, nor in a continuous life of the human soul after the death of the body. What we believe is that in fact nothing can perish in the great nature but can only change its form. But if our present human form will also have in its other, undoubtedly very divided form, thoughts and a conscience of its own, that is another question.

[6] In short, we have sufficiently explained our reasons why we doubt the existence of a God and why we as men only want to seek and also found from now on the true Heaven in the truth and its resulting good. In this explanation we have now faithfully and truthfully shown to you that we do not hide anything, and so we ask you again, mayor of this city, to free us from our fetters.”

[7] Then the innkeeper ordered his servants to loosen the fetters of the 3, which also happened immediately. Then the innkeeper let the 3 to be brought to another room to give them food and drink, and give them also clean clothes, because their clothing were already in a pitiful state.

87. About the guidance of men


nly after the 3 were staying cheerfully in one of the next rooms, the innkeeper said to Me: “O Lord and Master, what do You think about these certainly well-founded words of these 3 men? No, I have already heard a lot and even read of our philosophers but I never came across anything more solid than that. Even with the best of will and the best of faith, truly nothing can be said against it - nothing against the things individually nor about the things in general, because this is exactly how the situation is with humanity in general, and often also more in particular. And now I surely am extremely curious how You will excuse or justify this.”

[2] I said: “No one of you should be worried about that, because I Myself made it happen on account of a few orthodox temple Jews who are staying in the next room - they arrived this night from Jerusalem and rented it for a few days. They sharply listened with their ear to the wall to all the things that were said in the hall about them, and the speaker characterized them with a loud voice exactly how they are. And that was good.

[3] These Jews came here to collect with your help a tithe that is overdue. But now you surely will know what kind of help you will give them. When those 3 men will have regained their strength, then let them be brought here again, then we will further settle and finish the matter in a good way.

[4] The innkeeper and also Kado said: “We already thought that this might be the case, but we did not dare to say it aloud, firstly because we did not want to let the 3 know about You prematurely, and secondly because the words of the speaker needed our serious attention and we wanted to see how far the sharp mind of man can reach. And truly, seen from a purely human viewpoint, the speaker was right, also in the description of the relations between the Creator and the created, because for our human mind it is truly difficult to understand how You could have let them wait such a long time for a further revelation of Yourself, Your will and Your purpose with men, and let numberless of them pine away in the deepest night of life. And how many will still pine away without them coming to know anything about You. And even if they will know from the spreaders of Your teaching that You Yourself came to this Earth in the form of a human being and have shown men the way to the eternal life of their souls, will they believe as firmly as we believe now that it is exactly as Your messengers will tell them?”

[5] I said: “Although you as human beings are right to talk, ask and have your opinion about that, but My love, My wisdom and order want from Me as Creator to always give My created beings what is most necessary for them at every moment.

[6] Since the first man on this Earth until this moment, men were never kept without any revelation that went out from Me - not even for 1 year - but always in such a manner that their complete free will would not be violated, because man without that free will would not be a human being but only a machine of My will.

[7] That is why also the mind was given to man as a good light in order to seek God and His will, which was also done by many people at all times, and with the right earnest they also found what they were seeking for.

[8] The fact that God does not let Himself find so easily as many people would like, has the following very wise reason: if people would find with little effort what they are seeking, then the thing they have sought for would soon have no more value for them and they would make little effort to seek and investigate further. They would become lazy, and then the spiritual treasure that was found so easily and fast would be even less useful to them than when they had to seek that treasure continuously and anxiously, which they can find in this world only seldom completely and with much effort. Therefore, great revelations happen only rarely, so that people will have to make effort themselves in the fear of their soul’s night in searching with all zeal the eternal truth, and thus Me.

[9] That men in this world, while they are searching, come very often on all kinds of sideways and also into all kinds of uncomfortable circumstances is an earthly evil indeed, but this is not the result of the active earnest searching, but comes from the miserable laziness during the searching, which is a fruit of too much worldly love and self-love by which the people want to make the striving for the kingdom of the spirit as pleasant as possible for themselves. When other people who are still lazier notice that, they will soon and easily say to those who are seeking in a lukewarm way: ‘Hey, you are making a lot of effort to search what we have already found so easily for a long time. If you want to believe and serve us and give us small offerings instead of your fruitless independent searching and investigating, then we will tell you faithfully everything what we have easily and quickly found.’

[10] Well now, for the lazy and effort-shunning seekers, such an offer is welcome, they take it and believe what these others are telling them with a serious face. Being helped by all kinds of false wonders and signs which the still lazier seekers for the truth have invented, they present these with all kinds of ceremonies to the blind for the benefit of their earthly good life. So in this manner, the many sorts of superstitions, lies, deceit and total lack of love, and by that all the evil among the people on Earth exist.

[11] Now of course you are wondering why I permit this. And I say to you: the reason why I permit this, is that it is better for a human soul, who is lazy to seek seriously, to still believe something, and by that faith to adhere to a certain order than that he would completely die off in his laziness and work-shunning attitude. Once the deceit and the oppression will go too far, then the credulous ones are in the first place forced by the need to seek further for the truth independently. They notice the deceit, give up their laziness, begin seriously to seek themselves and do not shun the battle - and from that, will soon come forth all kind of light. And in the second place, after that, a newly given revelation of Mine that is given to a person who has been deceived for so long and who has become by that a zealous seeker, is unspeakably much more welcome, and it is also more effective in getting rid of the old superstition.

[12] Now I have very clearly explained to you why I permit so many things among the people on this Earth according to their own free will, which seems not good and wise in front of the judgment seat of men, yet, deep basically it is very good and wise.

[13] Up to here for what you concern. But now let the 3 come in again, and I will talk with them.”

88. Nojed asks about true religion


he innkeeper called the 3 immediately, and so they came right away. They were in a better shape and thus also more cheerful, and they thanked the innkeeper for the great friendship he had shown to them.

[2] And the speaker asked if he still could add a few words of thanks.

[3] The innkeeper said: “Just speak, but keep it short, because you will hear and experience now something very important, which will be for your greatest benefit.”

[4] The speaker, whose name was Nojed, said: “Friend, and most noble among men, I will think about that, because your wish will from now on be a command to us. Since we have found a true person in you as a gentile, and moreover a wisdom that is united with true goodness, which can actually no more be found among the Jews, we thought about your gods and we came to the idea that they could be more than a fable after all. We gladly want to become more familiar now with your doctrine in order to bring offerings also to your gods and to give them all honor.

[5] For this is how I think: the religion, where the best of people can be found, must also be the best and most truthful one itself. Our religion is really not so, because the people who were born and reared in it, are now certainly the worst that can exist anywhere in the whole wide world. The better nations consider and recognize their priests in general as a true pestilence to the people. And a religion whose womb produces only true tigers and hyenas and wolves and bears instead of good and wise people cannot be a good, and still less a true teaching. What do you think, noble friend of men, about this idea of ours?”

[6] The innkeeper said: “My friends, about this matter you should talk with this Friend who is sitting here next to me, because He is unspeakably much more skilful and wiser than I and all the Greeks, no matter how good and wise they are.”

[7] Nojed said: “Your wish is our command. Although this Man and Lord is according to His appearance also a Jew, but He can have become very wise after contact with Greeks, because if He would be a teacher of the temple it would be a sin to waste words about Him, no matter how clear and true they might be.”

[8] Then he turned to Me and said: “If You are not a disciple of the temple and if You maybe have searched and also found what is true and good as much as we are searching it now and are hoping to find it in some way, then give us Your opinion about the ideas that we have spoken out aloud. Are we not right to search for the truth and its goodness only there where we have found good and wise men?”

[9] I said: “Yes certainly, but nevertheless, the religion of Moses is the only true one, although in this time it was just as much trampled down and destroyed by the pigs in the temple as during the old Babylon and Nineveh and still other former cities of whores.

[10] Believe Me: our Jehovah is since eternity the only true, good, living God and has never failed to answer the supplications of those who without doubting believed in Him, who have kept His commandments and thus also who loved Him above all and their fellowman as themselves. Even if He sometimes delayed to completely answer their supplications in order to purify their souls all the more, but He still has never failed to answer them completely and has always fulfilled them, often at a moment when those who prayed for it thought about it in the least.

[11] You yourselves - I know this very well - have often prayed in your need to God that He would take away your misery, but because you previously lived in great wealth as men who were in high esteem, but have thereby manifested physical and spiritual laziness in every respect, He let you go through a serious and hard school of life for a few years, so that you would not only experience the attractiveness of the earthly life but also that you yourselves would experience its bitterness, so that from then on you would search in yourselves and come to know the real value of life and its purpose.

[12] Now you have tasted the cup of the bitter life unto the last drop and have thereby become true, deep thinking men, capable to absorb the true living, godly light of life from the Heavens, and so God has at this moment answered your supplications, now that you needed His help the most.

[13] And what He has done now for you, He has already done very faithfully for a lot of people when in their need they have, really believing, turned to Him, and therefore you cannot say anymore that the religion of the true Jews is false and untrue, but the religion of all pagans surely is.

[14] Do you perhaps think that this innkeeper, who is a patrician of this city, would have shown you mercy if he still were a pagan? Oh, absolutely not. As a pagan he would have treated you with all the sharpness of the Roman law. But since he, together with his whole house, is in his heart no more a pagan but a true Jew, just like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he therefore has on My advice done you well, what you are enjoying already now and will enjoy even more in the future. Can you see that?”

89. The circumstances
of the family of Hiponias,
the father of the 3 thieves


ojed said: “O wise Friend, this seems very close to the truth, and it also will be so, because it is written that God’s decrees are untraceable and His guidance and ways inscrutable. But why were our mother, who always acted and lived strictly according to the laws of the temple, and also our 4 most innocent sisters, so completely deserted by Jehovah? If the teaching of the temple is a completely destroyed and trampled down teaching, how could our mother and our poor innocent sisters be blamed for that? As we have heard as an established fact, our mother died soon after her entrance in that beautiful home of God - probably from poisoning - and our sisters were raped at once, and who knows what else happened to them. Could the good and very wise God of the Jews also be pleased about that, since He permitted it? If You can also reassure us about that, we also want to stay firmly believing Jews.”

[2] I said: “Oh, nothing is easier than that - then listen: your father, whose name is Hiponias, as well as the eldest of you, was a Jew who was converted to Judaism after the more pure teaching of the Samaritans. He did not like the empty ceremonies and all kinds of other deceptions of the temple. But because of that, he always had difficulties with his wife, who just like your sisters who became the same as she, was a real temple fool. So your honest father died of sorrow, and on his deathbed he still prayed God to let his wife and his daughters see, even during this earthly life, that they were not walking His ways but on the ways of the prince of the lie and the power of death. And God answered the prayer of your father who always was entirely faithfully devoted to Him in the truth.

[3] And what means could be more suitable and better for those 5 women, who expected their salvation entirely from the temple, than to let them taste the superior salvation of the temple? It is true that the earthly life of your mother, who was the greatest temple fool, has ended in the temple, but thereby she has entirely returned to the true faith of her husband whom she had given so much sorrow, and she has learned to despise the doings of the temple with all her heart. And your sisters soon came to know more closely - out of their own experience and with a lot of tears - about the angels of God who were serving them, and they quickly came to abhor them greatly. As a result of a higher decree and permission of God, they are now completely healthy and filled with the right kind of faith and trust in the only true God of the Jews in Essaea, in the house of the innkeeper of the large inn at the square, where at some opportunity you can meet and speak with them. But today it is barely the 4th day that they were brought there by 2 arch-Pharisees together with several others for healing. All further details you will be able to hear in due time from their own mouth.

[4] And can you now still claim that the God of the Jews is an invented, empty fable, now that you know all this?”

[5] Nojed said: “Friend, You are a prophet, we believe You, and we believe now also again in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For if You would not be a prophet, filled with the Spirit of Jehovah, then You could not know so precisely our names and still less our most secret life’s circumstances. Therefore, all honor again to the only true God of the Jews, who, by His care, has made us in a wonderful way true human beings. In which country did You become a prophet? Are You also a Samaritan?”

90. About the destiny of men


said: “Listen, Nojed, and also your brothers Hiponias and Rasan. I am not a Samaritan as you mean and understand it, and yet, I also am a Samaritan, just like I also am not a Jew, and yet, I still am a Jew, and I also am not a gentile, and yet, I still am a gentile, otherwise I could not associate in a kind way with the gentiles. In short, I am everything with everything and in everything, because where the truth, love and its goodness are completely working together, there I also am with everyone on the whole Earth, and I am cursing no one who strives for the truth and its goodness.

[2] However, the one who, out of love for the world and self-love, turns his back on the truth and all its goodness, and thus inevitably sins against the truth and its goodness - which is the eternal pure love in God - sins also against God’s order and against its unshakable justice, and he curses himself.

[3] But if he realizes his great evil, returns to the truth and begins to search that truth and its goodness and also begins to act accordingly, then the curse goes away from him in the same measure as he makes the truth in full earnest the guideline of his life. Then God will take him by the arm and lighten more and more his heart and mind and will strengthen his will, with the gentiles as well as with the Jews. And so I am, from God’s Spirit that lives in Me, everything in everything, in the gentiles as well as in the Jews.

[4] You also take Me for a real prophet, and I say to you that I also am one, and yet, again I am not, because a prophet had to do what God’s Spirit commanded him to do. But I Myself am Lord and servant, I prescribe the right ways for Myself, and no one can hold Me accountable and say: ‘Why are You doing that?’ For I Myself am from and in Myself the truth, the way and the life, and he who will act according to My teaching and will believe that I Myself am the truth, the way and the life, and thus an entirely independent, completely free Lord, will also just as I, possess eternal life in himself.

[5] For if men of this Earth want to become children of God, they must try in every way to be as perfect as the eternal and holy Father in Heaven who is in Himself the eternal truth, the eternal love and power, and all the endless good, righteous and wonderful that results from it. Therefore, it is also written in the Scripture: ‘God created man after His likeness, He made him after His image and blew His breath into him, so that he would become a living, free soul.’

[6] In this manner, men of this Earth are not simply and solely creatures of Jehovah’s almightiness, but children of His Spirit, and consequently of His love, and thus - as it is also written - gods themselves.

[7] And if they are - and their completely free will that is not limited by anything clearly proves this to them - then they also are completely free lords and judges over themselves. But they only become perfect and lords who are completely equal to God, by making God’s will, that is faithfully revealed to them, as their own will by acting according to it, in which they also are completely free.

[8] That is why God works only very seldom visibly among the people because already since the very beginning He has given them out of Himself the capability to slowly raise themselves, out of their own power, up to the highest level of life that is equal to God.

[9] Thus, the one who, as soon as he uses his mind, begins to search for the truth and its goodness and will also act immediately according to what he has found, is already walking on the right way, and God will lighten that way for him more and more and lead him to his glory. But the one who, also by his own will, becomes lazy and who will attach himself to this world and its enticements - which are only present for the outer and perishable sense organs of the material or physical man for the test of his free will - will judge himself out of his free will and will make himself equal to death and judgment, and is consequently himself also as good as judged and dead.

[10] And this death is then what you have rejected as the concept ‘Hell’ as punishment for the soul because of his sins, because you never more want to avoid sin out of fear for such punishment, neither do you want to hope for a Heaven as reward for living according to the known truth. And I fully agree with you, for that kind of Hell does really not exist anywhere, as less as that kind of Heaven. And yet, Hell and Heaven exist, but not outside of man, but inside of him, according to how he judges himself in the manner that I have shown you just now.”

91. About the necessity and
purpose of temptations

If this world would not be provided with all imaginable enticements, and would only be for men as a desert is for wild animals, then his free will, that is equal to God, his reason and his mind were given to him in vain. Because how could his love be awakened, and, after it is awakened, what must it desire and want, and what could purify his reason and awaken his mind and bring it to life?

[2] Thus the almost endless great diversity, good and bad, noble and not noble, exists only for the sake of man, so that he can see, come to know, investigate, choose and efficiently use everything. So from that, he can also conclude that a very wise, good and almighty Creator has created and arranged all that, and when man, out of himself, begins to reason like that, then the Creator never fails to reveal Himself more closely to thinking man, as this was undeniably the case at all times of mankind.

[3] But of course, if men go too much astray and become entangled in the enticements of the world and think that they only exist to provide themselves, as sensible and thinking human beings, of all imaginable pleasures from the world that is richly equipped with all kinds of things, and if they do not discover the real purpose why they have been put into the world and who put them into the world, then there can be no question of a real, higher revelation of God and His will of love. That can only take place when men begin to think due to all kinds of need and misery, at least up to the point that they will ask: ‘Why actually did we have to come into this miserable world, and why must we actually let ourselves be tormented and tortured unto our certain death, which is the miserable ending of our despair?’ - as you also, Nojed, were babbling in the same philosophical manner.

[4] Then the moment has come on which God will again reveal Himself to men, first by the mouth of awakened men, and by other signs, but also by all sorts of judgment over those people who became rich and mighty, proud and loveless and very arrogant through all kinds of lies and deceptions and the suppression of the poor and the weak - people who do not think anymore about any God themselves and still less have any faith in their heart, but who only throw themselves into all the pleasures of the world, run over the poor and who do not even consider them anymore to have the value of a human being but only of a simple animal.

[5] Once the measure among men on the world will be full, a great judgment will come, and together with that, also a great, direct revelation from God to men who in their heart will still believe in God and who have thus also kept the love for Him and their fellowman.

[6] Then those who deny God and the proud deceivers and suppressors will be wiped off the surface of the Earth, and those who believe and the poor will be raised up and be enlightened from the Heavens, as this is the case now, and as it will be the case again later in about 2.000 years. The time, in which this can, and also certainly will take place, is as easy to recognize as can be seen in the late winter when spring draws near and you look at the trees and see how their buds are swelling more and more and become more juicy and how the juice, just like the tears of men, will drop down from their branches and twigs on the soil, and in a certain way are begging for deliverance from the need of the winter in which so many trees were pining away.

[7] So once the heart of the poor people will become brighter by the light of the truth from God, and will swell, and when moreover by the merciless and limitless suppression the soil will become humid because of their tears, then the great spiritual spring has come very close.

[8] If you 3, and also you My already older friends, will look at that closely, then you soon and without difficulty will discover what kind of time this is, and what kind of citizen I actually am.”

92. The objections of Nojed
about the divinity of the Lord


eing completely surprised, Nojed said: “O great and incredibly wise Friend, these words sounded marvelously in our ears and in our heart. From Your words we have understood that You are more than a prophet, because apart from Moses and Elijah no prophet has reached that point, and even they, never spoke about their own glory, but always only about the glory of God. But You said that You are a completely independent powerful Lord, that You can do what You want, that no God, and even less a man can and may ask You account by asking You: ‘Why are You doing this or that?’ Listen, if this testimony that You are giving about Yourself is undoubtedly true, then between You and God there is no other difference except that You, just like we, are a God who came into existence through time, and Jehovah on the other hand is God since eternity. Well now, that is for our understanding really too high to grasp, although also we know that God has said through the mouth of the great prophet to the former pious Jews: ‘You are gods if you precisely keep My commandments and thus make My will the same as yours’.

[2] Since then, a lot of Jews have lived until our time who have very strictly followed God’s commandments from childhood, but among them there was not one who really by far dared to claim that he was an independent powerful lord just like God, who never has to give an account to God and still less to men for all his doings. Friend, how do we actually have to understand that truthfully?”

[3] I said: “That is very easy and clear. Did I not say that someone who completely has come to know God and His will, who firmly acts accordingly and so makes God’s will completely as his own, is equal to God? And if God is a Lord by His love, wisdom and power, then he, who has become equal to God in everything, will also be the same in spirit.

[4] I think that this is not so difficult to understand, because about what should he have to give an account, no matter of what kind, to God or even to a human being, when he thinks, wills, speaks and acts only out of God’s will and Spirit?

[5] Is God’s pure will in man perhaps a will that is less divine than in God Himself, and does he perhaps has less independent power than in God who is present everywhere and thus most certainly also in man? That is why a real human being must also become and be as perfect as his Father in Heaven. And if man really is, is he then also not a lord full of wisdom, might and power?”

[6] On this, Nojed said: “Great and truly more than wise Friend, You have spoken living and enlightening true words, and I have no objections. But besides that, one thing remains also true, and that is the following: man can really make progress through the way of absolute self-denial, so that he will resemble God and will thus also be powerful, as this was most obviously the case namely with the great prophets, but still, man is and remains in a certain way a very small god who only came into existence through time and thus with all his perfection that resembles God, he is submissive and limited, while Jehovah is eternal, thus without beginning, infinite in time and space and therefore not limited by anything. And this more than endless great difference between the one and eternal only true God and the human god that came into existence through time can eternally never be wiped away.”

93. Natural man and man who is permeated
with the Spirit of God


said: “You have very well said and evaluated that. Man who has been created can of course never be compared to the actual initial Being of God, but by God’s initial eternal will, there is an uncreated, eternal Spirit out of God that lives in man, which can of course not have any limitation in man, as less as in the actual initial Being of God Himself, since he is one with it.

[2] Or do you perhaps think that the light of the sun that enlightens and warms up the Earth at this moment is younger and more limited than the light that has enlightened and warmed up the Earth inconceivably long times ago? I say that you are a very clever and correct thinker and speaker, but you only will begin to think and speak in the spirit of the full truth out of God when your soul has become fully united in the eternal Spirit out of God. But this can and will only happen when from now on you will have made the will of God, of which you are aware, completely as your own free human will in everything that you say and do. Did you understand that?”

[3] Nojed said: “O Friend, we surely will still need a long time for that, because we still have many things of the world in us. Before all this will be completely removed from us and become a little aware of the almighty presence of the divine Spirit in us, o, for that - as I already mentioned - there still will be a lot of time that will flow in the sea of the eternal and never returning past.”

[4] I said: “That is also speaking in a very earthly human way. Because look, also for the divine Spirit in man there is neither a time that passes away nor a limited space, and thus also neither a past nor a far future, but only an eternal presence. But in this world, everything has its time, and no fruit will ripen at the tree already during the time of blossom. However, if you firmly resolve to live and act from now on unshakably according to God’s will, you soon will talk differently.

[5] Already many were of the same opinion and have spoken like you now, but when they heard from My mouth what they had to do and how they had to live, and went then immediately to work, they quickly made great progress.

[6] When you soon will go to Essaea, you will already find an example in the chief Roklus of how much progress someone can make in a short time with God’s love and mercy once that he had taken his spiritual perfection completely seriously.

[7] But since I very soon will leave this place with these friends of Mine, you surely will hear from the innkeeper further details about Me and begin to live and act with all the more zeal and earnest according to My advice, and then Jehovah’s blessing will be very noticeable to you.

[8] And now I have further no more to say to you, because you would not be able to bear it, but when God’s mercy and love will awaken in you, it will automatically lead you into all wisdom that you will need for this world. Thus, now you can return to the room again that the innkeeper has assigned to you.”

[9] The 3 thanked Me for everything I had done for them and had said to them, and they went to their room in which they kept hidden as long as the market lasted, so that they would not be recognized by one or the other businessman or buyer and be troubled.
